Monday 1 February 2010

Princess and the Pea: Animatic

Wow Blogger sure takes long to upload a video and it's only 6MB. If I had put the 100MB version, I'd be here for years. So here's it is. I think I'm going to use some of the 3D models to complete this animatic. There is no way I'm doing a proper 360˚ spin around a bed in 2D.


  1. good animatic Jonathan. I would do it the same but give the pea abit more weight and make it look like its rolling more, but this looks great.

    if you come up with some more that'd be great. :)

  2. Yeah I noticed that but I had no idea on how to squash and stretch in Premiere Pro... It wouldn't let me.

  3. Blogger takes long to upload anything!!! This is really awesome.
